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January 13, 2023
Confidential CEO on The Opioid Matrix Podcast to Discuss Overdoses and Decriminalization

In this episode, Scott discusses the opioid epidemic and the 400+ deaths a day that are happening, which motivated him […]

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December 20, 2022
Fentanyl in Candy: What Every Parent Should Know

Fentanyl is an extraordinarily potent synthetic opioid that is 50 to 100 times more powerful than morphine or any other […]

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December 15, 2022
Confidential Recovery CEO Appears on KUSI to Discuss Fentanyl and Narcan

SAN DIEGO  – San Diego has recently announced that it is investing more funds into fighting fentanyl, which is a […]

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November 15, 2022
Confidential Recovery CEO Says San Diego is Too Slow to Address Fentanyl Crisis on KUSI

On Monday's episode of Good Morning San Diego, after the all-too-familiar stories of young people overdosing, Confidential Recovery CEO Scott […]

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November 13, 2022
High School Athletes Are More at Risk of Abusing Opioids

Athletes face a tremendous amount of pressure, whether they’re professionals or students. Junior varsity athletes need to impress coaches to […]

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November 10, 2022
A Stark Warning About Fentanyl that Every Family Needs to Hear

If you think we talk about fentanyl too much on our blog, tell that to the 300 families that lose […]

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November 5, 2022
California Today Show Hosts Confidential Recovery CEO to Discuss Fentanyl Overdose Rates in SF

The "California Today" show on the Bay Area-based NTD channel did a special about the alarming death rate of fentanyl, […]

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November 3, 2022
Is Medication-Assisted Opioid Treatment Effective?

There are a number of methods that can help those with opioid use disorder. Confidential Recovery in San Diego offers […]

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October 29, 2022
Confidential CEO Scott H. Silverman is on NTD News San Francisco to Discuss Fentanyl

#Fentanyl deaths now exceed COVID-19 deaths in San Francisco – by almost double. NTD News brought on Scott to talk […]

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October 24, 2022
What Do Your Teens Know About Fentanyl?

Your teens probably know more about fentanyl than you think. If they haven’t learned about this deadly substance yet, they […]

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