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Scott H. Silverman Emerges as an Expert on Addiction During the Pandemic

Information during a pandemic can be critical to the health and well-being of individuals in the community. For many people in recovery, life has taken on unique challenges. It’s been vital for people with loved ones who are addicted to learn about them.  We’re proud that our very own Scott H. Silverman has emerged as an expert on the addiction recovery community during this pandemic.

How COVID-19 Has Affected People in Recovery

On Thanksgiving, Dr. Scott H. Silverman joined Good Morning San Diego to talk more about the treatment recovery community's changes during the pandemic. He also had some suggestions for people in recovery to spend their time instead of struggling with negativity. Here are a few ideas:

  • Jump onto a 12-step Recovery meeting. They are available on Zoom in almost every area of the US, and treatment centers have learned safe ways to admit people into a treatment center.
  • Call or videoconference with a loved one.
  • Spend time with your housemates if you’re lucky enough to have them.
  • Make a list of things you’re grateful for. If you’re with a group of people, ask everyone to come up with a few ideas at dinner.
  • If you’re alone for a holiday, consider writing a letter to somebody you love or are grateful for. You don’t have to mail it, just write it and get those feelings onto paper. This can help you focus on something positive and help you get out of yourself for a while.

“The only thing we can really change and control is our attitude,” he told viewers. “So how we look at things is really critical, especially coming into the holiday season, especially with what’s going on with COVID.” People are facing many challenges, in addition to a public health crisis.

Unemployment and economic despair have been leading to more challenges than ever before for the addiction community. Focusing on what is good can help people ride out the storm.

Scott H. Silverman: Challenges Are Still Great

Isolation has been a frequent concern among the mental health and addiction recovery community, and it’s been hitting close to home. People are relapsing more frequently or turning to alcohol, and the opioid overdoses are skyrocketing. In November, the County of San Diego has seen three deadly overdoses a day.

People in recovery have had to learn new skills, such as Zoom, to regroup their community. For many, it’s been a hard adjustment. And with the holidays, he worries there will only be more challenges.

The good news? People can make it through. Reaching out for help is key, he told viewers. You can get help from local 12-step groups. If you need somebody to help you with addiction or recovery, pick up the phone, you can call him yourself at 619-993-2738. There’s always help and hope, and while treatment recovery looks a little different, it’s still available and accessible.

Get Help for Addiction

Reaching out to get help is as easy as picking up the phone.  We can help you get your life back on track so that you can begin truly living again. The staff at Confidential Recovery offers counseling and support to help our clients chart a path to recovery.

Contact us at 619-452-1200 to find out more about how we can help you reclaim your life. All calls are 100% confidential.



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Scott H. Silverman
CEO / Founder
Scott found himself "hitting bottom" in 1984 and accepted that he needed help for his problem and pursued treatment and long-term recovery. After pursuing his own recovery, Scott dedicated his life to helping others who struggle with the same mental health and addiction issues that caused him so much pain. Scott has made an indelible mark on the lives of many in San Diego. He has been on KUSI dozens of times to raise awareness about the dangers that we face, and to speak a message of recovery.