Confidential Recovery CEO on CBS 8 San Diego to Discuss Dry January Trend
“Dry January” is a fun and positive social media trend (#DryJanuary) wherein people give up alcohol to start off the new year right (or to shed unwanted pounds, or as penitence for overindulging at the end of the year and on New Year’s Eve).
Scott H. Silverman, the CEO of Confidential Recovery, recently appeared on CBS 8’s Morning Show to discuss the trend and some things that people might want to look out for.
While the concept of “Dry January” is positive and uplifting for most people, there could be undercurrents of problematic alcohol use underneath the surface for some people. Scott urges people to remember that alcohol is still the most abused substance in our society.
Scott states that, “The disease of addiction is a disease of denial." And, that the vast majority of calls he gets are from the family members of people who are suffering with addiction.”
What to Do? Ask Questions and Really Listen
If you know someone who is attempting a dry January, and you have wondered if they have a problem with alcohol, ask them “How are you doing?” And, really listen to their answer. As always, getting the help of a trained drug or alcohol counselor can be invaluable in this area.
If you or a loved one needs help Confidential Recovery, the outpatient drug and alcohol rehabilitation program that Scott started 10 years ago in San Diego can be reached at (619) 452–1200.
Watch the entire segment of Scott H. Silverman on CBS 8 here.
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