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Confidential CEO Asks Presidential Candidates for Fentanyl Action Plan

In a bold move that coincides with Fentanyl Awareness Day (August 21st, 2024) Confidential Recovery CEO Scott H. Silverman has called upon both presidential candidates to unveil a plan to tackle the fentanyl crisis in our country.

With about 400 deaths a day to accidental overdose, and overdose being the leading cause of death of people aged 18-45, this is clearly a public health epidemic, and Scott's request brings attention to the fact that not nearly enough attention is being given to this deadly phenomenon.

Fentanyl is one of the most dangerous substances, as it is often disguised as legitimate medications such as oxycodone or Percocet, and it's undetectable by sight, smell or taste. A mere two milligrams of fentanyl is enough to be lethal, underscoring the urgent need for awareness and action in every community and household.

"All families across the country must understand that they are not immune to the dangers posed by substances like fentanyl," said Silverman. "They need to join me in demanding our leadership to share their plan and to promise to act swiftly once they are in the White House to stop this crisis from continuing to spiral out of control."

You can read the entire release on Yahoo here:

Every family must be aware that #OnePillCanKill and they should #ExpectFentanyl, so no one should ever take a drug that is not given to them from a licensed pharmacist.



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Scott H. Silverman
CEO / Founder
Scott found himself "hitting bottom" in 1984 and accepted that he needed help for his problem and pursued treatment and long-term recovery. After pursuing his own recovery, Scott dedicated his life to helping others who struggle with the same mental health and addiction issues that caused him so much pain. Scott has made an indelible mark on the lives of many in San Diego. He has been on KUSI dozens of times to raise awareness about the dangers that we face, and to speak a message of recovery.