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3 min read

Are You a Functional Alcoholic?

Many people who have a drinking problem often deny it vehemently. This behavior is especially true for the “functioning” alcoholic, who turns his or her head from side-to-side and sees no apparent signs of the wreckage their drinking has caused. Does this sound like you or somebody you know? If so, it doesn’t mean that you don’t have a problem with alcohol.

A person with an alcohol use disorder does symptoms of addiction, even when they appear to be highly functional. Addiction certainly takes a toll on your relationships with others as well as well as yourself. It can be painful and isolating to live with a secret addiction. People who maintain their jobs and finances can still suffer other consequences that take a toll on their mental and physical well-being. The effects may be “well-hidden,” but they are still there, and they often snowball.

The Truth About “Functional” Alcoholics

A person whose drinking continues after it causes them problems has an alcohol problem. You probably know this deep inside but have many excuses for why you are an exception to the rule. It’s normal to be in denial about addiction when admitting it may cause you pain and grief.

Sure, you may drink and suffer from hangovers, but only on the weekends. Maybe you got a DUI once or twice, but now you’ve learned your lesson and always grab a rideshare when you’re drunk. Maybe drinking even cost you your marriage, but now you’ve found a mate that drinks as much as you do. And you definitely don’t look like a “drunk” or stereotypical alcoholic – you get your clothes pressed every few days and take care of your hygiene and appearance.

If you’re worried you have a drinking problem, it may help to take a look at the facts about your life. If drinking is making you miserable or hurting your health or a causing a number of other problems, then recovery can help.

AA has a wonderful brochure meant for all newcomers that ask “Iss AA For Me?” that is a helpful way for anyone, even “functional” alcoholics, to assess if alcohol is a problem.

Comparing Insides, Instead of Outsides

Comparing insides instead of comparing outsides will also help you assess the toll drinking is taking on your life. Do you feel sad, or angry, that drinking seems to control so much of your life? Do blackouts frighten you? Do you feel ashamed of lying about your drinking or hiding it from friends, colleagues, or family? Do you feel trapped in a cycle of drinking and surviving until the next drink?

Many people who are now sober describe these feelings and situations. And they come from all walks of life.

Recovery offers a way out of what may seem like an impossible situation. You don’t have to try to control your use of alcohol anymore. You don’t have to drink at all, anymore, if you’re willing to follow some suggestions. You must admit you have a problem to get help, which can be humbling but is ultimately rewarding.

By freeing yourself from the grip of addiction, you will also be free to pursue a happier and healthier life in recovery.

Getting Help for Addiction

Getting help for your addiction without judgment or shaming is an important step to your path of recovery. We can help you regain control of your life in a safe, professional, and discreet environment. Learn more about how Confidential Recovery can help by calling us at 619-452-1200.



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Scott H. Silverman
CEO / Founder
Scott found himself "hitting bottom" in 1984 and accepted that he needed help for his problem and pursued treatment and long-term recovery. After pursuing his own recovery, Scott dedicated his life to helping others who struggle with the same mental health and addiction issues that caused him so much pain. Scott has made an indelible mark on the lives of many in San Diego. He has been on KUSI dozens of times to raise awareness about the dangers that we face, and to speak a message of recovery.